2021 Virtual Exhibit (D-J)
Artist Names, Project Titles, and Descriptions are BELOW the artwork. Please note that while very close the show is not in “true” alphabetical order. If you collaborated with another person or multiple people the artwork may be listed under the other person’s name (versus being displayed twice).
Danielle Gaines “Day in the life”
Something from my day
Donna Enyedy “Fun with a vintage spirograph set”
A spirograph design a day
David Celli “Portraits”
Digital portraits of things. Not limited to just people.
Elisabeth Bard “Outer Banks”
Photographs of Battery Park
David Weiss “Ideas - small paper and cardboard sculptures”
Make at least one small sculpture daily
Elizabeth Boerner “Perfect Misfit Buddies”
Perfect Misfit's Buddies are cloth dolls, each with their own personality and flair! They each share a positive message. They are soft and cuddly with wonderful expressions that make you smile back. All they want is to share their love and to be loved back.
Emma Brown “Moss Snowflakes”
My Fun-A-Day Project is to draw one unique snowflake pattern each day that represents a different species of moss in texture and color, reflecting my work and study as a botanist.
Engie K. Santos “NS Illustrations”
My Fun-A-Day project is drawing characters and animals that describe me.
Eric Zippe “Kaleidoscope Remix”
Taking discarded or damaged Fine Art Prints from my scrap pile and then distilling and generating new artwork via Kaleidoscope apps.
Geraldo Gonzalez “Public Transport and Boxing Sports”
A newest 2021 artwork of Public Transport and Boxing sport series
Heather Northam “Netter Revisited”
A watercolor a day of human anatomy heavily influenced by the illustrations of Frank H. Netter, MD and his Atlas of Human Anatomy published originally in 1989.
Felise Luchansky “A texture a day”
My fun a day project is to frontage architecture elements in the city
Estelle Lukoff “Jewelry & Accessories A Day”
I will be creating an assortment of mixed media jewelry and accessories using a variety of techniques and materials. Please visit Estelle’s website at www.estellelukoffdesigns.com or contact her by email at elukoffdesigns@gmail.com for any questions, details and pricing on these items by simply referring to the corresponding number.
Helen Ounjian “Illustrated Words”
Watercolor illustrations of positive words (because we all need a little more positivity).
Jeff Barnes “Beach paintings”
Find photos of the shoreline and paint each them 4 times, abstracting the shapes and trying different color combos. Will do seven different photos for a total of 28 paintings.
Jane Singer “30 day quilt”
I will work to complete an entire double bed sized quilt in 30 days . I will limit my time spent on the project to a task every day. I will submit a short video on the days work
James Newby “Lorem Ipsum Logotype”
Using the phrase "Lorem Ipsum" as a placeholder for company names and creating various Logotypes to build up my portfolio on type-based logos. Limited use of secondary graphics to make sure the type stands out and to push my skills with type manipulation in Adobe Illustrator.
Jane McFann “Chaos in Fool's Hill” - Download PDF
My Fun-A-Day project is a cozy mystery that will be submitted a chapter a day. Set in a small town in central Delaware, Chaos in Fool's Hill will follow the misadventures of a quirky collection of characters who keep stumbling over the occasional dead body.
Jennifer Boland “Perspective”
Looking at things in many perspectives, photographs of daily life with totally new perspective.
Jennifer Fox “Photography”
I am in a 365 group with photographers and intend to make something related to the fictional photography course I am taking at Cecil or another Zen meditative photo artwork.
Jessica Glassco “Route 9 Library's Flower a Day Window Display”
People walk by our library each day, and we wanted to find a way to say "Hi" and brighten their day: We are going to fill the window with BIG, bright, paper flowers, cut on our Silhouette Cutting Machine! Library patrons and staff are signing up for a day or two, and sending in a pattern for a flower on that day.
Jodi Carlino “I Spy with My Quarantined Eye…”
My Fun-A-Day project idea is to transform my previously photographed images into a creative abstract digital image each day. My creations will be entitled the “Something” I spy. I would like to dedicate my project to the lovely memory of our beloved Lola, whose sweet soul traveled to the Rainbow Bridge on March 1, 2021. If only we all could see the beauty of the world through the eyes of our pets!
John Pancoast “Thoughts”
Quotes and proses that lead to happiness. Words collaged with colorful papers and images from magazines or newspapers and/or other sources.
Julie Spaulding “Squiggles and Twirls”
For the first half of the month, I did doodles. Some attempted to form a recognizable object, while others were just random. During the second part of the month, I decided to rediscover the art of quilling.
Juanita Kerber “Time Is Now”
My fun a day art will consist of free expression without my own self judgment.
Jyaire Wright “Wonderness of the stars”
A piece of daily feelings from a art therapist in training